
Comments From 2022 A/L Students


Comments From 2021 A/L Students

Comments From 2019 A/L Students

Yuneth Wijenayake - Royal College

More than just a teacher, he was a mentor and a friend. He understood each and every student well and guided them along their own paths. A master at teaching, he found real life examples to reveal the beauty of the subject. A professional at Chess, he saw problems and their solutions at the same time, teaching us to foresee future threats. A talented film director, he directed our AL life to be a masterpiece. An intellect by nature, he looked at our problems with an open mind. A wise adult, he taught us to live. He is many things at once. Knowing Raj sir was a privilege on its own.

Nuduja Mapa - Vidura College

Sir, you made us realize that just because something is DIFFICULT doesn't mean you shouldn't TRY, it means that you should TRY HARDER & Try Smarter. For your patience, caring, kind words and sharing, You simply made the impossible possible! You trained our minds to push the boundaries and showed truly the sky was the limit. I wanna say THANK YOU Sir!

Kaushitha Silva - Royal College

Even now, Raj Wijesinghe Sir, My Combined Maths teacher still remains as an important character that influence my life immensely. Combined Maths was never just a A/L subject for me. I eagerly waited for the class to start everyday, and me and my other mates would soon enter to an entirely different world. A world designed by the master artist Raj Wijesinghe. He, one by one analysed each student, he'd know the exact route for our success in A/L and he'd make sure that we stay in that route strong.

Ashan Sandanayake - Royal College

Dear sir, We may not say this every day. But your inspirational words are like beautiful footprints that have been etched in our hearts and minds forever. To the world you may be just a teacher but for us you are a HERO! thank you sir for everything you have taught us. Not only the crystol clear subject but also the wisdom you shared about life.

Vinuga Jayawardana - Royal College

Without you, we would have been lost. Thank you sir for guiding us, inspiring us and making us what we are today. Thanks for supporting and enlightening all my way. Thank you for being a great inspiration. Not every teacher deserves to be called one, because that title is reserved for great ones like you.

Suneragiri Liyanage - Royal College

Raj sir is an exceptional teacher who speaks with astounding, unbridled passion and the method he simplifies and explains complex subject matter is an art by itself, which is only possible due to his brilliantly quick mind. Cheers and best of luck for the future sir!

Harshith Aluvihare - Ananda College

Raj sir knows how to turn the whole learning process into something more enjoyable by using his own innovative methods. He has an ability to understand each and every student and guide them through the correct path. Also his friendly attitudes and creative mind makes him an outstanding teacher.

Nimesh Ranchagoda - Royal College

Sir, we did certain things that you wanted us to do without knowing the reasons and also you refused to answer why we were told to do so. Now only we realize why you wanted us to do those things and those things were the things which helped us to do well! Kudos!

Geenuka Suraweera - Vidura College

A teacher who not only teaches maths but a good friend who helps to guide our life to a better path. One of the best chess players I've seen. He's good in analysing our game and he guides us to the victory. Words can't describe the greatness I felt about this teacher. He's non other than Mr. Raj Wijesinghe !

Senesh Sirimanne - Ananda College

Raj sir wasn't just a teacher, he was a great friend and mentor. He digs deeply into the subject and teaches with a unique style that can make our subject more interesting and convincing. He teaches with much experience and charisma. He is an intellectual problem solver who brightened our AL life immensely. He is a wise adult who taught us about life, A lecturer, a film director, a chess master, he is many things , and i feel privileged to learn from the best.

Anuda Ranasinghe - Ananda College

A true mentor who taught us beyond our subject, a friend who was open for any question .There were five friends of mine who joined the group class including me. Each of us were committed to the subject differently. But Raj sir came up with his unique ways that made us like the subject. Also being precise and informative about the subject made the class more interesting. The six hours of class time just flew unknowingly because it was filled with laughter and joy. He also taught us the importance of team work and to help each other when in need. We’re all grateful for the effort you put in to build up our lives sir.

Nadeeksha Thathsarani - Sujatha Vidyalaya

Sir,u were more a friend than a teacher..u understand each and every child perfectly..even u understood me well..and guided me in the correct path..sir u were more a trustful person to share our personal experiences and u will always show us the path to follow..and as well u won't judge us..and u even shared ur past experiences with us to teach life lessons..sir ur advices always enriched me and enhannced me to do the best..I still remember ur advice of telling me.. "in a relationship u should never hold it so tight..let it be less gripped"..sir u was a person who always had solutions for any problem...and u created our lives to be a masterpiece..And at last I would tell u this.. I was made a more enthusiastic,indulgence,kind, punctual, innocent person just bcz of u..bcz u taught us maths and as well qualities required to lead our life to success..